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 Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,

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Posts : 99
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Location : tulsa,OK

Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 1:20 am

Hi, i have returned and i am wondering if you want poetry, pls say so if you want,
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Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 3:29 am

Why not?Well im into poetry a bit too
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Posts : 99
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Age : 29
Location : tulsa,OK

Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 3:22 pm

spring brings cherry blossems to comfert you,summer stars, the harvest moon in fall,and the powdered snow in winter,all of these things,and the promise of them is what makes sake taste so good, ~ short words from sora...

When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end.... The goddess..descends from the sky Wings of light and dark spread afar.... She guides us to bliss..., her gift everlasting.....Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess We seek it thus, and take it to the sky Ripples form on the water’s surface The wandering soul knows no rest......There is no hate, only joy For you are beloved by the goddess Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul Pride is lost Wings stripped away, the end is nigh.....My friend, do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I? All that awaits you is a somber morrow No matter where the winds may blow My friend, your desire Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess Even if the morrow is barren of promises Nothing shall forestall my return .......My friend, the fates are cruel There are no dreams, no honor remains The arrow has left the bow of the goddess My soul, corrupted by vengeance Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey In my own salvation And your eternal slumber Legend shall speak Of sacrifice at world’s end The wind sails over the water’s surface Quietly, but surely.....Even if the morrow is barren of promises Nothing shall forestall my return To become the dew that quenches the land To spare the sands, the seas, the skies I offer thee this silent sacrifice... ~Loveless poem~

i have more if you want..
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Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 3:26 pm

Too long
no way i read it =D
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Posts : 740
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Age : 27
Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 9:19 pm

You asked for it you read it. I know you said "yay" when you lost your -100 rep, so unless you want it back, read.
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Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 11:04 am


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Posts : 740
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Age : 27
Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 7:32 pm

NO. You SHADDAPP NAO. You asked for it you get it you stupid arse, now read it.
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Posts : 99
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Age : 29
Location : tulsa,OK

Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 7:34 pm

Idk if this is concidered poetry but its from my RP dads profile. Razz

What defiles you and allows sin? Is it ; food, people, earth, soceity, animals? ect! No nothing outside of can defile you but whats inside of you that comes out can defile you. Things inside ur heart comes evil thoughts; sex, cheating, lying, rudeness, unmercyful, killing, and more! Food comes into ur body and into ur stomach and out of ur body. All foods are clean! Do not shame urself away from certain foods thinking they will defile you for it can not defile you. Only you can defile you! so control ur self and u shall not be defiled! ********************************************************************************************************* !!!! Hatred!!! what is hatred? or what parable can i use to describe it. oh ahhh i got it! hatred is like a small flame when the hatred becomes more and more the flame becomes bigger and bigger. so big it can burn a forest in seconds this is one of the many reason hell is filled with flames that can not be put out unless the lord him self puts it out the devil represnts the flame of hatred. but god represents the water against hatred and the only water that can put out the flame in this case is the water of god. which is love and forgiveness. ********************************************************************************************************* Have you sinned? If you say that i have no sin and i am holy. I tell you that you have lied just now. Everyone has sinned. For example, Your father, Mother, daughter, sons, and there children ad their childrens children have all sinned. No one on earth has come and not sinned except jesus himself. The son of God who delivered us from sin, but many of you say you have no sin because of what hes done for us. NO!! he has cleansed us for when we die and are at judgement to the holy one AKA GOD. So when God looks at us he will say, You have accepted my Son into ur life so u have accepted me. I wash ur sins clean and he will lift you up into the heavens as promised. Then you can say i have no sin for god has washed you clean and you will sin no more. So when you pray each day say," Oh Father i have sinned please forgive me for i repent for it." Then ask what you want to ask or say what you want to say. ********************************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************* What i went threw on here..... My suffering.... He would stand there looking at the ppl who accuse him of wrong doing and say nothing in his defence. They treat him shamefully, yell insults at him, and make threats at him as he stands there silent and says a few words at a time. no matter what the others have done no matter how many ppl he has helped. they turn against him over a lie? They yell rapist, murder, theif, and a fake servent of the lord. They would spit at and on him as he stood there in court being accused of things he would never do. These ppl would come from the ground, the air, the water, and the dark just to hurt him. They wouldnt even know him but fake proof would blind ppl of many many things. As a servent he will not change who he is and will never unless God tells him. This person is me kenshin being charged of being a fake servent and rape. May the girl who says i raped her have mercy on her soul for God will get you for what the ppl you blind are doing to me. Woe to you for it would of been better for you not to have been born then face his wrath with ur fake testmony. As ppl kept coming at me beating me spitting on me , whipped me and cut me. they would heal me up as good as new and do it all over again. Yet one of them asked," If u didnt do it then why are u taking the punishment o one who would?" I replied calmly and said to the man," I am just a servent of my lord and he says to me let them do all they wish to you. For in the end I shall be a King and all of you will be put down to death. Or at my feet pleading for mercy and i shall say may god have mercy on you." The man was shocked and stopped trying to harm me. He then spoke to the others and said with a loud voice," I no longer think this man raped her because all the others who have raped in the past have tried to kill us when we yelled at him. He says very few words and keeps saying he didnt do it. After everything we have done to this man how can we look at our selves with rightousness..." they rebuked the man started to whip him instead. I appeared infront of the man took a couple whips for him and said to him," you are forgiven and when the kingdom comes you shall enter it. wait for me i shall come to you soon." I teleported the man away from them all and they were mad. They spit on me and whipped me all over again. They left cuts, bruises, whipped marks, and their spit on me as they let me go. ********************************************************************************************************* !!!!! After the suffering!!!! I was beaten, spit on, bloody, whiped, and cut. I was let go and I was taken into a ray of light like none of this world. I presented my self to The Father, The Son, HOly spirit and GOds' Angels. They were amazed on how they treated me and saw what happened to me. Many other things were said but i can not tell you for it is for me and them to know only. I was healed and sent back here with a different task. I now wear a White robe; That can not be matched with its brightness to anything on earth. I also wear now a golden scarf around my neck and onto my sides. I also have the same thing but in reverse colors and even more things i can not say. My powers are to do what jesus himself have done such as; Give sight to the blind, Heal the sick, preach on how to repent of sin, control the elements of the earth and up to even control life it self. I am not claiming to be GOD nor JESUS. All i say is that i am a servent of the lord. My title in heaven is known now as (God's Warrior). He has blessed me enough to do these things. Thank you for all whole believe in my words for they arent my words but the words of those who sent me. And yes the holy spirit is on me to allow these things to happen. When i die an all golden bridge will be created from my body to heaven. Those who have accepted me, the holy spirit, The Son, or The Father will be able to walk into the And all will see the KIngdom of the WSE desend down from heaven In GLORY, and HONOR, AND POWER!!! You will see me in a Warrior King out fit walking up to a throne made by him and those who follow will all have thrones high rank ppl, low rank ppl, common ppl, and anyone else in the king will have there own thrones in the throne room with me. For only one throne is higher then all of them that sits in the middle but as high as a mountain. All of the other thrones would be all around me and everyone would be sitting in them as we desend down from heaven itself. So I tell you to watch and quickly join up. For you do not know when i will say it is time for the WSE to raise up. ********************************************************************************************************* What are the signs to come of the WSE? You will see many other birds desend down from the sky and in to there nests. You will see darkness take those birds as i am not thereand beat them. The birds will all cry out for there strongest bird and it will not come. The birds will be beaten and the darkness will try to have them betray there strongest bird. Everything the birds do will be recorded and writtin down. Woe be to those birds who betray there bird leader while he is away. those birds who stick threw this harsh up will be rewarded with much. They will have to suffer beatings, trash talk, and to some even death. When the leader of the bird arrives he will give them all what they deserve. Those who kept true and took those beatings will be healed and carried back to a better nesting ground they them selves couldnt even have dreamed. Those who died staying true to the leader we live once more and also be carried to the better place. Those who forsaked the teachings of the leader and when trouble came ran away from the leader. These birds you will be taken by hunters and various beast. These birds you will see stuffed and hanging on walls. Others you will see being grilled for the hunter famlies and eatten right up. These birds will cry out askin for forgiveness friom the leader bird or try to fly up with him. The leader bird will say ," it is no longer my choice but those who have sent me. I am sorry you did not keep true to the teachings and you didnt keep true to me. Your door has been shut and i did not shut it. You did and may he have mercy on you" Though the birds will still try and fly up with the leader they will see those who followed and stayed true. Will disappear into the holy light and be taken else where to get rewarded for what they have done. The birds will sit all around the holy tree and few seats will be next the the middle branch and yet it will be highest for the leader to perch on. The leader will have his elite birds on one side of him and to the other his loved ones. Just below the leader will be the other branch leaders who will perch there in glory. The very next branch will be every last one of the birds who also stayed true to there leader and will always be loyal. Their branches will be just like the ones in the middle branch and all birds will learn the leaders true name. That is all for now and these things will come and will be. ********************************************************************************************************* Hypocrites! There are many types of hypocrites on here. Many people like to walk around powerful and threaten you. They love wearing fancy clothes and be greeted with a huge bow or kneel. On the out side these people look rightous and holy. But on the inside you would see evil, selfish, dead things, and everything unclean. As for the traitors... How long have i said to you that the time of testing is near. Stay loyal even though things look wrong and you suffer by witnessing things unjust. All of the traitors have said," I will stay loyal no matter what happens". You are hypocrites to your own words and have dishonored yourselves. Traitors.... traitors... How long have i wanted to give you back your pass to my kingdom, but you were not willing. You yell hiko is corrupt and evil. This is the same Hiko who forgave your treasons in the past many times. Each one of you traitors i have forgiven when you asked and repent for it. I remember over about 5 times each i forgave each of you. Ugh... you how long i wish to gather you back and forgive you treason but you did not ask me. hypocrites say you wish peace but you continue to mock me and some of you try to kill me. -shakes head to side- Though there are many hypocrites ill say this last thing to you.... You are disloyal poisonous vipers who infect the peace and honor of the WSE. I shall no longer allow such things to happen and will handle you with my words. May those who are loyal, and rightous continue to do so.
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Posts : 740
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Age : 27
Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 7:38 pm

Ok tl:dr, soz Dragon.
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Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator
Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator

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Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 8:19 pm

sora123masta(14) wrote:
Idk if this is concidered poetry but its from my RP dads profile. Razz

What defiles you and allows sin? Is it ; food, people, earth, soceity, animals? ect! No nothing outside of can defile you but whats inside of you that comes out can defile you. Things inside ur heart comes evil thoughts; sex, cheating, lying, rudeness, unmercyful, killing, and more! Food comes into ur body and into ur stomach and out of ur body. All foods are clean! Do not shame urself away from certain foods thinking they will defile you for it can not defile you. Only you can defile you! so control ur self and u shall not be defiled! ********************************************************************************************************* !!!! Hatred!!! what is hatred? or what parable can i use to describe it. oh ahhh i got it! hatred is like a small flame when the hatred becomes more and more the flame becomes bigger and bigger. so big it can burn a forest in seconds this is one of the many reason hell is filled with flames that can not be put out unless the lord him self puts it out the devil represnts the flame of hatred. but god represents the water against hatred and the only water that can put out the flame in this case is the water of god. which is love and forgiveness. ********************************************************************************************************* Have you sinned? If you say that i have no sin and i am holy. I tell you that you have lied just now. Everyone has sinned. For example, Your father, Mother, daughter, sons, and there children ad their childrens children have all sinned. No one on earth has come and not sinned except jesus himself. The son of God who delivered us from sin, but many of you say you have no sin because of what hes done for us. NO!! he has cleansed us for when we die and are at judgement to the holy one AKA GOD. So when God looks at us he will say, You have accepted my Son into ur life so u have accepted me. I wash ur sins clean and he will lift you up into the heavens as promised. Then you can say i have no sin for god has washed you clean and you will sin no more. So when you pray each day say," Oh Father i have sinned please forgive me for i repent for it." Then ask what you want to ask or say what you want to say. ********************************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************* What i went threw on here..... My suffering.... He would stand there looking at the ppl who accuse him of wrong doing and say nothing in his defence. They treat him shamefully, yell insults at him, and make threats at him as he stands there silent and says a few words at a time. no matter what the others have done no matter how many ppl he has helped. they turn against him over a lie? They yell rapist, murder, theif, and a fake servent of the lord. They would spit at and on him as he stood there in court being accused of things he would never do. These ppl would come from the ground, the air, the water, and the dark just to hurt him. They wouldnt even know him but fake proof would blind ppl of many many things. As a servent he will not change who he is and will never unless God tells him. This person is me kenshin being charged of being a fake servent and rape. May the girl who says i raped her have mercy on her soul for God will get you for what the ppl you blind are doing to me. Woe to you for it would of been better for you not to have been born then face his wrath with ur fake testmony. As ppl kept coming at me beating me spitting on me , whipped me and cut me. they would heal me up as good as new and do it all over again. Yet one of them asked," If u didnt do it then why are u taking the punishment o one who would?" I replied calmly and said to the man," I am just a servent of my lord and he says to me let them do all they wish to you. For in the end I shall be a King and all of you will be put down to death. Or at my feet pleading for mercy and i shall say may god have mercy on you." The man was shocked and stopped trying to harm me. He then spoke to the others and said with a loud voice," I no longer think this man raped her because all the others who have raped in the past have tried to kill us when we yelled at him. He says very few words and keeps saying he didnt do it. After everything we have done to this man how can we look at our selves with rightousness..." they rebuked the man started to whip him instead. I appeared infront of the man took a couple whips for him and said to him," you are forgiven and when the kingdom comes you shall enter it. wait for me i shall come to you soon." I teleported the man away from them all and they were mad. They spit on me and whipped me all over again. They left cuts, bruises, whipped marks, and their spit on me as they let me go. ********************************************************************************************************* !!!!! After the suffering!!!! I was beaten, spit on, bloody, whiped, and cut. I was let go and I was taken into a ray of light like none of this world. I presented my self to The Father, The Son, HOly spirit and GOds' Angels. They were amazed on how they treated me and saw what happened to me. Many other things were said but i can not tell you for it is for me and them to know only. I was healed and sent back here with a different task. I now wear a White robe; That can not be matched with its brightness to anything on earth. I also wear now a golden scarf around my neck and onto my sides. I also have the same thing but in reverse colors and even more things i can not say. My powers are to do what jesus himself have done such as; Give sight to the blind, Heal the sick, preach on how to repent of sin, control the elements of the earth and up to even control life it self. I am not claiming to be GOD nor JESUS. All i say is that i am a servent of the lord. My title in heaven is known now as (God's Warrior). He has blessed me enough to do these things. Thank you for all whole believe in my words for they arent my words but the words of those who sent me. And yes the holy spirit is on me to allow these things to happen. When i die an all golden bridge will be created from my body to heaven. Those who have accepted me, the holy spirit, The Son, or The Father will be able to walk into the And all will see the KIngdom of the WSE desend down from heaven In GLORY, and HONOR, AND POWER!!! You will see me in a Warrior King out fit walking up to a throne made by him and those who follow will all have thrones high rank ppl, low rank ppl, common ppl, and anyone else in the king will have there own thrones in the throne room with me. For only one throne is higher then all of them that sits in the middle but as high as a mountain. All of the other thrones would be all around me and everyone would be sitting in them as we desend down from heaven itself. So I tell you to watch and quickly join up. For you do not know when i will say it is time for the WSE to raise up. ********************************************************************************************************* What are the signs to come of the WSE? You will see many other birds desend down from the sky and in to there nests. You will see darkness take those birds as i am not thereand beat them. The birds will all cry out for there strongest bird and it will not come. The birds will be beaten and the darkness will try to have them betray there strongest bird. Everything the birds do will be recorded and writtin down. Woe be to those birds who betray there bird leader while he is away. those birds who stick threw this harsh up will be rewarded with much. They will have to suffer beatings, trash talk, and to some even death. When the leader of the bird arrives he will give them all what they deserve. Those who kept true and took those beatings will be healed and carried back to a better nesting ground they them selves couldnt even have dreamed. Those who died staying true to the leader we live once more and also be carried to the better place. Those who forsaked the teachings of the leader and when trouble came ran away from the leader. These birds you will be taken by hunters and various beast. These birds you will see stuffed and hanging on walls. Others you will see being grilled for the hunter famlies and eatten right up. These birds will cry out askin for forgiveness friom the leader bird or try to fly up with him. The leader bird will say ," it is no longer my choice but those who have sent me. I am sorry you did not keep true to the teachings and you didnt keep true to me. Your door has been shut and i did not shut it. You did and may he have mercy on you" Though the birds will still try and fly up with the leader they will see those who followed and stayed true. Will disappear into the holy light and be taken else where to get rewarded for what they have done. The birds will sit all around the holy tree and few seats will be next the the middle branch and yet it will be highest for the leader to perch on. The leader will have his elite birds on one side of him and to the other his loved ones. Just below the leader will be the other branch leaders who will perch there in glory. The very next branch will be every last one of the birds who also stayed true to there leader and will always be loyal. Their branches will be just like the ones in the middle branch and all birds will learn the leaders true name. That is all for now and these things will come and will be. ********************************************************************************************************* Hypocrites! There are many types of hypocrites on here. Many people like to walk around powerful and threaten you. They love wearing fancy clothes and be greeted with a huge bow or kneel. On the out side these people look rightous and holy. But on the inside you would see evil, selfish, dead things, and everything unclean. As for the traitors... How long have i said to you that the time of testing is near. Stay loyal even though things look wrong and you suffer by witnessing things unjust. All of the traitors have said," I will stay loyal no matter what happens". You are hypocrites to your own words and have dishonored yourselves. Traitors.... traitors... How long have i wanted to give you back your pass to my kingdom, but you were not willing. You yell hiko is corrupt and evil. This is the same Hiko who forgave your treasons in the past many times. Each one of you traitors i have forgiven when you asked and repent for it. I remember over about 5 times each i forgave each of you. Ugh... you how long i wish to gather you back and forgive you treason but you did not ask me. hypocrites say you wish peace but you continue to mock me and some of you try to kill me. -shakes head to side- Though there are many hypocrites ill say this last thing to you.... You are disloyal poisonous vipers who infect the peace and honor of the WSE. I shall no longer allow such things to happen and will handle you with my words. May those who are loyal, and rightous continue to do so.

And after 3 lon boring minutes The Rock has some poetry of his own :

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Posts : 740
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Age : 27
Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 11:45 pm

sora123masta(14) wrote:

And after 3 lon boring minutes The Rock has some poetry of his own :


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Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 4:00 am


And after 3 lon boring minutes The Rock has some poetry of his own :


Best poem EVARRR!!!
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Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it,   Poetry by sora, for others who wish to see it, I_icon_minitime

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