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 Mafia is trying to slit my throat.

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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 8:12 am

Well guys. Read, do not tldr; and flame.

Looks like it is exactly how I predicted it. What a mess.

What do you guys have? 10 moderators/admins? What are you moderating? Blisk? Is that all you can do. You guys probably lost RaptorElite.com domain. Did no one think about contacting Angela to continue hosting the domain or transferring it to a senior senior member? It is a disgrace that you've driven this clan in the the ground. Yes, it is your fault Steve because Tom left you as general manager. Actually, you've been GM for like 1 1/2 years and look where your at. Steve, you are a very nice guy but it makes me angry what your lack of action has done.

Before there was potential for a turn around but I doubt that very much now. You are only a bunch of people who hold on to hope for some revelation, but you fail to recognize that it only happens with initiative, it happens with action. And none of you have actively done anything. Oh great, you banned another of Luke's account. Now he can't destroy Raptor, we win!!! Wrong, in fact, while I was so called "trolling" you guys didn't fight with each other. It seems as if you need someone to blame for your problems, which makes me a perfect scapegoat.

Well, where was I when this happened? Did I cause this? If I didn't know any better, the true enemy of Raptor was your inaction. Not my many rants about how none of you are doing anything, like this one.

The false hope of many admins and mods has blinded you from the true issue at heart. Internal fighting and lack of proper recruiting. You have let this happen to you guys. Admins, mods, and recruits alike. Who stood up to the admins to tell them they are wrong? I don't know if anyone did since I haven't been on the forums for a while. But, I doubt any of you did. Admins, admit your wrongdoing. Wrongdoing that is of inaction.

If you really want to save the clan, you need to clean house, start all over; but I doubt that will work anymore.

At least the form is nicer, but it is still trash. Those bells and whistles, at the end of the day, make a big difference. You threw away my 10+ hours of work on raptors improved website. Oh no, it was down for a few hours, the horror! Well, thats because you installed a bad mod you tards. Tis why I said don't install, I will.
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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 10:05 am

Yeah you can just go ahead and gtfo.

We don't need your help, we never have. We're fine.

I don't know about everyone else, but I personally, don't feel like getting lectured by another little nub that has no idea what he's talking about. You and blisk are exactly alike.
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Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator
Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator

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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 11:34 am

Lol Luke , if you had posted this about a month ago i´d totally agree with you. BUT i guess you didnt took the time to take a closer look to the forums .

Have you noticed for example we have more daily posts ? . Have you noticed we have new members ? .....btw did you even read the topics where Raptor actually decided to move on ?.

Inactivity is no longer a problem for this clan , some of us decided it was time to forget our differences, so we could work together and belive me it did work . Raptor has succesfuly moved on to a different game , we actually DID start over and with some time the damn clan will be as great as it once was.

And well , take a look evrything is not that much of a mess anymore . Suddenly feuds like strider-mistikan , myself-pikelet , akon-sniper volcom and so on seem to matter less when it comes to the clan´s own benefit .

This are new times Luke, you just refuse to see it .
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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 12:27 pm

Luke, do you seriously think you know what is happening? Do you know what us and the other admins talk about? We have moved on to another game and are being very successful, shut your mouth until you know what the real deal is, you make yourself look like an idiot. We couldn't transfer the website or servers to anyone else because NO ONE else could take up the bill, have you thought of that? I plan on taking over this all once I get the money.

"You are only a bunch of people who hold on to hope for some revelation, but you fail to recognize that it only happens with initiative, it happens with action."

Yeah, action....funny you say that, because once again, YOU ARE WRONG, we have taken "action". You should be thanking Joe for getting us into a new game and getting new members, he's a valuable asset. Right now, a forum is all we need, no website. Steve is no longer a GM, AkoN is and I hope he does a lot for this clan.

We are not idiots like yourself, we don't blame anyone else for our problems, since when do you think we've blamed you for our problem currently? Are you used to people blaming you for everything because everyone in your life hates you? Little Jimmy broke your neighbors window, but he hates you so much, he decides to blame YOU for it. Is that usually what happens?

We have done no wrongdoing, I believe Tom would be very proud of us if he knew what we are doing currently, keeping his creation alive and basically starting over. I believe, and others also believe, we have been doing great getting Raptor back on it's feet.

Don't come in here and say you know exactly what is happening, because you don't. Not even a clue. But it's nothing to lose right? I mean, you have already made yourself look like an idiot as much as possible, there's no going lower.


"You threw away my 10+ hours of work on raptors improved website."

Welcome to the party pal. Tom did the same thing to me.
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Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 7:57 pm

Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Obvious_troll.preview
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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 8:01 pm

I only posted what Jose told me that happened to Raptor Smile

I doubt it. The issue lies with the administration. There has ALWAYS be issues with the admins. They think they are always right, however, they simply aren't. They lack the necessary dedication and resolution to turn a clan.

I don't think your success will last long. And that is not me being naive, but looking at your past actions.

Akon, your a stupid tard. I've watched Raptor for 3 years. Even though I haven't paid attention lately, I know every mannerism of all the older members, which are still in power. You fail to acknowledge my experience with Raptor and the incredible amount of power I exerted over it.

Andy, 8 dollars a year? Come on, that is sad. If no one could get a hold of that domain it is pathetic. I mean, come on, I don't have a dime and I could have gotten my daddy money(as you guys like to call it) and click two buttons and get it. Just don't go out and work at that steel company you are bound to work at.

And yes, you guys do blame me. For over a year all Raptor's problems have been my fault.

But anyways. Why on earth would anyone chose AkoN? That person is an idiot beyond imagination. Illiterate, raging, buffoon beyond proportions. Shame that She Devil didn't become the GM. Or even though Ghosthawk was short tempered, he should have since he is the oldest member (if he still is).

"Inactivity is no longer a problem for this clan , some of us decided it was time to forget our differences, so we could work together and belive me it did work."

Disagree. Forgetting each others differences opens it up to a later time. If you truly did, it is a certainty that you guys will fail again. The only way is to become homogeneous OR to accept differences. Just ignoring them will and does not work.

Andy. Your website was like looking at a over gradient-ed iPod first generation in the year 2020. And outdated Web 2.0 wannabe.

Ban me, I dare you.

AkoN. You are one of the most simple minded, childish, naive, short sighted, idiots in all of idiotdom.

Ban me, I dare you.

Watch what I do Wink

(If you didn't catch the drift, I am trolling again)

You guys aren't very bright. The caliber to debate me simply lacks with you guys. What happened to my lovely Frenzy, Denu, or She Devil?
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Posts : 740
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Age : 27
Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 8:11 pm

Waffles wrote:
Andy. Your website was like looking at a over gradient-ed iPod first generation in the year 2020. And outdated Web 2.0 wannabe.

Ban me, I dare you.

AkoN. You are one of the most simple minded, childish, naive, short sighted, idiots in all of idiotdom.

Ban me, I dare you.

Woah. You could do well in a circus.

Jizzles wrote:
I don't think your success will last long. And that is not me being naive, but looking at your past actions.

IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK, now get out before you make me laugh even harder.

Seriously, you are hilarious. You should get a job in a circus, really.

One last thing:






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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 8:29 pm

I wasn't going to give you a website Pikafag

Nice one. I believe the two words in your vocabulary, other than the basics, is circus and laugh. By any chance, are you home schooled?

I know that you are probably thinking that you are so witty, but unfortunately I will have to stop you there. For 2 years I have manipulated Raptor to do about anything I wanted it to do. You may ask, "wtf doo i carez abut dis?" Because I know how Raptor breathes, urinates, defecates, eats, sleeps. Sure, I am out of the loop within a month. But, it is unlikely that within a short period of time that Raptor has changed so radically that I cannot predict what happens to it.

It is a FACT that organizations that ignores it's differences will be doomed. The ONLY way for it to be successful is to be a ford assembly line of monotonous drones or a progressive, tolerable group of individuals. And Raptor is neither.
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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 8:46 pm

Ok Luke, now you're just making up shit man. Jose hasn't even been here that much, he has no idea what goes on in the administration, we are all working together. We are turning this clan around.

Ok so you know all our mannerisms? What are you, some kind of stalker? Actually yes, you are, because you tried finding out where I lived once and tried getting my phone number.

And also, they charge you by the MONTH I believe. and I believe we never took over the website because we didn't need one. We seriously don't. You got a problem with steel workers? They're the reason for all of our buildings and such.

I want to see you do that kind of labor, I am a carpenter at the moment, I work out in the hot sun and freezing cold doing hard labor, I would like to see you try that, because I guarantee the first day you would break down crying.

I have also never heard anyone say something along the lines of "Oh, it's LUKE'S fault Tom died, it's LUKE'S fault the clan fell apart after he passed. For the second time, QUIT. MAKING UP. SHIT.

I also remember you once complimented my website I had, and so did other people, including Jeff. I might not be an expert in web design but god damn at least I tried and did it for my friends for no charge or any sort of treatment what-so-ever.

So what if Pikelet was homeschooled? He is still a better person that you will ever be. I believe you once told me YOU were home schooled and, in fact, you told me your mom let a kid beat you up right in front of her. If you mess with my friends like that, you will face me. Mr. No one likes me at school.

Go away.

Raptor is changed, under semi-different administration, don't think you know how we work anymore.

And btw, the only reason you got what you wanted Raptor to do is because, as you said before, Tom was a pushover, and YOU took advantage of his kindness like an idiot.
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Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 9:36 pm

Waffles wrote:
I wasn't going to give you a website Pikafag

I wasn't asking for one, shove it. Anything designed by you will most likely consist of little bits of plasticine, seeing as how you are so immature.

Waffles wrote:
Nice one. I believe the two words in your vocabulary, other than the basics, is circus and laugh. By any chance, are you home schooled?

For your information, I am, and I am damn proud of what I have learnt. The people I see about me who have NOT been home schooled appear to be using a "language" that we know as "l33t sp34k". How is your point relevant?

Waffles wrote:
I know that you are probably thinking that you are so witty, but unfortunately I will have to stop you there. For 2 years I have manipulated Raptor to do about anything I wanted it to do. You may ask, "wtf doo i carez abut dis?" Because I know how Raptor breathes, urinates, defecates, eats, sleeps. Sure, I am out of the loop within a month. But, it is unlikely that within a short period of time that Raptor has changed so radically that I cannot predict what happens to it.

Seeing as how you hate it when I speak those two words so much, I will speak them again: I laugh at you, you'd be good in a circus.

I can't help but notice that you are now trying to impress me with a vast array of complex words, but seeing how long it took you to post this I suppose you entered your "l33t sp34k" version of the simpler words into "G00gl3" and copypasted the English versions coming out the other end.

And I do not think I am witty, but I at least know my place. As should you, "waffles".

Waffles cannot stand up to Pikelets wrote:
It is a FACT that organizations that ignores it's differences will be doomed. The ONLY way for it to be successful is to be a ford assembly line of monotonous drones or a progressive, tolerable group of individuals. And Raptor is neither.

It is a FACT that you're trying to impress me again, it is also a fact that I don't give a sh!t what you have to say.

Desolate wrote:
So what if Pikelet was homeschooled? He is still a better person that you will ever be. I believe you once told me YOU were home schooled and, in fact, you told me your mom let a kid beat you up right in front of her. If you mess with my friends like that, you will face me. Mr. No one likes me at school.

I also have a reason to say why I don't have any friends; not because I am unpopular, but because there is no-one at my school in the first place, instead of it being simply because I am a dickhead.

Thank you Andy <3

Last edited by Pikelet on Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 10:19 pm

Waffles wrote:

Akon, your a stupid tard. I've watched Raptor for 3 years. Even though I haven't paid attention lately, I know every mannerism of all the older members, which are still in power. You fail to acknowledge my experience with Raptor and the incredible amount of power I exerted over it.

Ouch. Kind of hit home on that one..

Waffles wrote:

AkoN. You are one of the most simple minded, childish, naive, short sighted, idiots in all of idiotdom.

Geeze man. Another low blow..

Ahem..*clears throat*.

As many of my associates so delicately put it, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU FUCKING THINK!!!

That is all Smile
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Posts : 740
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Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 10:21 pm

Or as one of MY associates not-so delicately put it, two camels and a tiny car SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!!
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Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator
Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator

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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 11:11 pm

It is an interesting debate between Pikelet and Luke , made me laugh hard. But c´mon we are better than this, close the damn topic admins (or delete it, but i´d rather just close it xD! ).
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Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator
Undisputed Trash Talking Moderator

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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 11:16 pm

Waffles wrote:

You guys aren't very bright. The caliber to debate me simply lacks with you guys. What happened to my lovely Frenzy, Denu, or She Devil?

Since when the brit fag made bright debates ?

Double post FTW xD!
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Location : Pikeleton, Superzoslavia

Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 11:28 pm

Uhh, Joe, if you want it closed do it yourself Razz
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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 11:40 pm

Yeah Mr. Moderator, do your job dammit! XD
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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 12:21 pm

Wow! You guys sure like to waste time responding to an insignificant twit. Ignore him.

Luke go jack-off someplace else you seriously have no idea what is going on or what we are doing.

Anything else I can think of to say, for the most part, has been said.

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Mafia is trying to slit my throat. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mafia is trying to slit my throat.   Mafia is trying to slit my throat. I_icon_minitime

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