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 Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!

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PostSubject: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 12:00 am

• The sun releases more energy in one second than all the energy consumed by humanity since its inception.
When you go to McDonalds, you will see the food with the M facing you.

• The mice can not vomit.

• Napoleon Bonaparte · estimated that the stones used in building the pyramids of Egypt, would be sufficient to build a huge wall around France.

• The letter J, is the only letter that does not appear in the periodic table.

• The easiest way to differentiate a carnivorous animal is a herbivore eyes. Carnivores (dogs, lions) have them in front of his head, which helps them locate their food. Herbivores have them
on the sides of the same (birds, rabbits), which helps detect
approximation of a potential predator.

• A person blinks about 25 000 times a week.

• The CDs were designed to have a capacity of 74 minutes of music because that is the duration of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

• It is proven that smoking is the major source of research and

• The lightning killed more than volcanic eruptions.

• The strongest material created by nature is the spider web.

• The name HAL, the computer from the movie 2001 Space Odyssey, was not chosen by chance. This consists of the letters immediately prior to forming the word IBM.

• The microwave oven came about when a researcher studying the microwave and noticed that they had melted the chocolate in her purse.

• Children with strange names, usually have more mental problems than girls.

• The Russians tend to the phone saying "I'm listening"

• The 15% of American women are sent flowers to themselves on Valentine's Day.

• Before the Second World War in the New York phone book had 22 Hitlers. By the end of the war there was none.
• Women are the largest purchasers of underwear.

• If heart disease is eradicated, cancer and diabetes, male life expectancy would be 99.2 years.

• The daughter of Shakespeare was illiterate.

• before 1800, shoes for left and right foot were equal.

• When a snake is born with two heads, they fight among themselves for food.

· Einstein was never a good student, and did not speak well at age 9, his parents thought he was retarded. Failed the examination for admission to the equivalent degree.

• The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific.

• The elephant is the only animal with four knees.

The original name of Luke Skywalker was Luke Starkiller.

• A drop of oil is able to convert 25 liters of water undrinkable.

• Each year, 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.

• The sheep do not drink water in motion.

• Microsoft spends more fielding calls from users with problems to produce their programs.

• The Americans spend more on dog food than baby food.

• The hair grows faster during the night, and lose an average of 100 hairs per day.

• The eyes of a hamster can fall if he hangs his head down.

Einstein was never a good student, and did not speak well at age 9, his parents thought he was retarded. Failed the examination for admission to the equivalent degree.

In the city of Los Angeles there are more cars than people.

The men used an average of 15,000 words per day, women 30,000.

The coat of Colombia have included the map of Panama

The share of Africa that is wilderness: 28%.

The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%.

Cost of keeping a dog to the age of 11 years: $ 6,400

The first novel that was written on a typewriter: "Tom Sawyer."

111.111,111 x 111.111,111 = 12.345.678.987,654321

The clans of many years ago they got rid of the undesirable burning down the house. So in English are told to dismiss a person from employment "you" re fired. "

The name "Jeep" comes from the abbreviation that gave the U.S. Army to "General Purpose vehicle, G. P. Delivering these two letters followed in English, sounds jeep.

It is more likely that a person dies of a stroke of a Champagne cork than by a poisonous spider bite.

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

The youngest parents were 8 and 9 years old and lived in China in 1910.

American Airlines saved $ 40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served.

Penguins do not fly ... because they are cold.

The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters.

A sneeze travels in your mouth to 965 km / hr.

There are only three animals with blue tongue: Chow Chow dog, the blue tongue lizard and the black bear.

100 cups of coffee taken in a span of four hours and technically can cause death.

A kilo of potato chips costs 200 times the value of a kilo of potatoes.

People have more blonde hair dark-haired people.

In the city of Los Angeles there are more cars than people.

Research technologies result, the insects are attracted to people who had just eaten bananas.

When Bugs Bunny first appeared in 1935, this was called Happy Rabbit.

The U.S. state with more national parks is Alaska, with 8.

All gondolas in Venice, Italy, should be painted black, except those belonging to senior officers.

The first movie to have a second part was King Kong, 1933. The sequel was called The Son of Kong and went in the same year

You can find out the sex of a turtle, only by the sound it makes: The male growls, the female hisses.

The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

Napoleon Bonaparte was born with only 26 teeth.

The plate number of Dirty Harry (Dirty Harry) is 2211.

On December 16, 1811 an earthquake caused the Mississippi river from running in the opposite direction.

In the U.S. there are more plastic flamingos in the flesh.

The cockroaches favorite food is the glue that is used on the back of stamps.

The city of Istanbul is the only one in the world whose territory lies in two continents at once: Europe and Asia.

The average weight of an iceberg is 20 million tonnes.

In Disney's Fantasia, the sorcerer is called Yesnid. Or is Disney spelled backwards.

The bottle of Coca Cola was originally green.

More Curiosities

The risk of a meteorite hitting a human being is once every 9300 years.

The driest inhabited place in the world is Aswan, Egypt, where the average annual rainfall is 50 mm.

The deepest place of all the world's oceans is in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific, and has a depth of 10 924 m.

The largest meteorite craters in the world are in Sudbury, in the state of Ontario, Canada, and Vredefort, South Africa.

The world's largest desert, the Sahara, has more of 9.065 million km2.

• Ventilation systems in buildings are the ideal hiding place nobody would think of looking in them and are used to navigate to any part of the building without difficulty

• If you have to reload the gun will always have enough ammunition even if you're naked

• If you have to impersonate a German officer is not required to speak the language enough to have a German accent

• The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window in Paris

• A man does not flinch while taking a beating but complains Championship when a woman tries to clean his wounds

• The Commissioner of Police is always black

• If you have to pay a taxi does not look a ticket in the wallet out what you have in your pocket at random will always be the exact amount

• The kitchens do not have light switches If you walk into a kitchen at night by opening the fridge and be enlightened with the interior light

A pig's orgasm is 30 minutes.

Without their mucus layer, the stomach digest itself.

Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas and crab 14 200.

In the human body is 96 560 km of blood vessels.

A blood cell takes about 60 seconds to complete his tour of the body.

The first synthetic human chromosome was created in 1997 by U.S. scientists.

The thermometer was invented in 1607 by Galileo.

The Englishman Roger Bacon invented the magnifying glass in 1250.

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1886.

A Wilhelm Rontgen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering X-rays in 1895.

The largest tree of all time was an Australian eucalyptus. In 1872 recorded a height of 132 m.

Christian Barnard performed the first heart transplant in 1967. The patient lived for 18 days.

The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is greater than the length of the first flight of the Wright brothers.

An electric eel can produce a discharge exceeding 650 volts.

The wireless communication experienced a breakthrough in 1962 with the launch of Telstar, the first satellite capable of relaying signals from telephone and satellite television.

The first wine producers lived in Egypt around 2300 BC

The Ebola virus kills 4 out of 5 humans it infects.

Within five billion years the Sun will run out of fuel and become a Red Giant.

Astronauts can not burp because the weightlessness does not allow the separation of liquid and gas in their stomachs.

At the top of Mount Everest at 8848 m, air density is only a third of which is recorded at sea level.

A millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe was the size of a pea.

The DNA was first discovered in 1869 by Swiss Friedrich Mieschler.

The molecular structure of DNA was first established in 1953 by Watson and Crick.

Only 10% of the population does not feel any attraction to any gender, neither male nor female. Come on, that are excited by contact with other human beings are the sex they are. They are completely asexual.

Only 10% of the population does not feel any attraction to any gender, neither male nor female. Come on, that are excited by contact with other human beings are the sex they are. They are completely asexual.

The goldfish is the only animal that can see infrared light and ultraviolet.

Snails can remain dormant for three years.

There are 701 types of dog breeds.

The fastest bird, the Mongolian rabitojo (family of swallows), can fly at a speed of 170 kilometers per hour.

A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk throughout their lives.

A newborn kangaroo only measures 25 millimeters long.

In 1872, a virus epidemic killed almost a quarter of the horses of the United States.

After orgasm obtained in sexual intercourse or masturbation, you fall asleep more easily. The studios believe that sexual activity promotes sleep, partly due to the action of hormones and brain chemicals.

During the kiss, some 40 000 bacteria are passed from one mouth to another, but most are harmless, and also our saliva contains substances disinfectants. Science says yes kissing is healthy, as well as bringing about 30 facial muscles, kiss your partner consistently activate your blood circulation and improves self-esteem. Statistically, people do live longer and have fewer illnesses. Possibly this is because the kiss moves hormonal secretions that act as painkillers and strengthen the body's defenses.believe that sexual activity promotes sleep, partly due to the action of hormones and brain chemicals.

The tissue surrounding the penis is stronger than that surrounds the brain.

The chimpanzee holds the record for speed in the sexual act between mammals consume it in just three seconds. The mouse takes five seconds. Mosquitoes only last two seconds. The whales and elephants use thirty seconds to copulate.

There are men in Guam who are dedicated full-time traveling around the country all deflowering virgins, who pay for the privilege of first sexual experience. This is because the law forbids them to marry virgins.

The average penis of a man is between 12.7 and 15.3 centimeters, while the penis of a blue whale measures 3.6 meters.

The man has an average of 11 erections during the day and at night, about 9.

The sperm have to travel an estimated 7-10 inches before reaching the egg.

The first erections in men occur in the last trimester of pregnancy, when they're still babies.

The average ejaculate is from 5ml to 10ml.

Sperm need to double the current world population would fall within the circumference of an aspirin. The eggs needed to double the world population would fall within the egg of a hen.

An orgasm lasts approximately 3 to 10 seconds, and the orgasmic contractions occur at intervals of 0.8 seconds in the men and women.

During orgasm the heart can beat 140 times per minute.

MOOOORE Curiosities!!!

The cockroach can live nine days without its head before dying of hunger.

It took 22 centuries to calculate the distance between Earth and the Sun (149.4 million km). What if we had known long before someone would have thought one billion multiplied by the height of the pyramid of Cheops at Giza, built 30 centuries before Christ.

The word "cemetery" comes from Greek meaning koimetirion: bedroom.

In ancient England people could not have sex without the consent of the King (unless you were a member of the royal family). When people wanted to have a child should apply for a permit to the monarch, who were given a plaque that had hung outside his door while relaciones.La board had said "Fornication Under Consent of the King" (FUCK). That is the origin of this famous little word.

During the Civil War, when troops returned to barracks without any floor, put on a big board "0 Killed" (zero deaths). From this comes the expression "OK" to say everything is fine.

The area known as Mexico's Yucatan comes from the Spanish conquest when one asked an Indian as they called them there. The Indian man said: "Yucatán." What the Spanish did not know was that he was answering: "I'm not here."

Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare is considered the greatest exponents of Hispanic literature and English respectively, both died on April 23, 1616 ...

Right-handers on average live nine years longer than left-handers
Elephants are the only animals of creation that can not jump (thankfully).

An average person laughs about 15 times per day (we should improve that.)

Mosquitoes have teeth.

Thomas Alva Edison was afraid of the dark.

The Pentagon has twice the necessary baths. When built, the law required a bath for blacks and another for whites.

Each king of cards represents a great king from history:

- Spades: King David.
- Clubs: Alexander the Great.
- Hearts: Charlemagne.
- Diamonds: Julius Caesar.

We forget 90% of our dreams: In the first five minutes after waking, you forget half of your sleep, and over 10 minutes only 90% of the dream is gone.

Science says that kissing is healthy, it activates blood circulation and improves self-esteem. People do live longer and have fewer illnesses. Possibly this is because the kiss moves hormonal secretions that act as painkillers and strengthen the body's defenses.

Obtained after orgasm in intercourse or masturbation, you fall asleep more easily. The studios believe that sexual activity promotes sleep, partly due to the action of hormones and brain chemicals.

When a man has an erection, the testicles can increase by 50%.

Male Sexual Behavior (1948) Kinsey spoke of individuals who could have an ejaculation at will in 3 seconds.

Each testicle produces about 150 million sperm every day.

The male orgasm lasts between 3 and 8 seconds. In rare cases can reach 10 seconds.

The crocodile was the first animal to develop a four-chambered heart (like ours).

Los sonidos producidos por tu corazón cuando late son provocados por las válvulas cardíacas al abrirse y cerrarse.

Mucha gente coloca su mano sobre el lado izquierdo de su pecho pensando que esa es la ubicación real de su corazón. Lo cierto es que el corazón está en el centro de tu pecho, sin embargo su latido se oye más fuerte en el lado izquierdo puesto que este músculo está ligeramente inclinado hacia la izquierda y golpea contra ese lado del pecho.

Cuando los antiguos egipcios preparaban un cuerpo para su enterramiento, el corazón era el único órgano que dejaban dentro del cuerpo. Creían que poseía los poderes necesarios para entrar en la vida eterna.

La media de pulsaciones de un corazón adulto es de 72 por minuto, pero puede llegar a palpitar 200 veces por minuto durante una sesión de ejercicios.

Humpback whales create the loudest sound of all the animal kingdom.

Two eyes of a giant squid have a diameter of 38 centimeters, which makes them the world's largest animal.

Three in ten Dalmatians suffer from hearing loss due to inbreeding.

The African elephant has a gestation period of 22 months, while a short-nosed bandicoot feat in just 12 days.

The mortality rate after the bite of a black mamba snake is over 95%.

The "spider" in the sights of weapons were made of spider web filaments until the 1960s.

The "crucetLas giraffes have no vocal cords.

There are cases of elephants that have remained standing after death.

The albatross can sleep while flying.

A mosquito has 47 teeth

Last edited by -=Raptor=-Jinzo on Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:31 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 12:25 am

Yes, I need to know why stores that are opened 24 hours a day have locks on their fornt doors.
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 1:55 am

lol couches-tard on Rachel
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 1:29 pm

Well I AM curious! Why do they have locks?

See, even though the current business ( buisness? ) is open 24/7, perhaps the past business WASN'T! Or maybe it's a LAW! Or maybe it's something else entirely, like security reasons.

I MUST know! 25 000 blinks in a week is small potatoes compared to MY fundamental question.
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 2:44 pm

Or better yet the 25/7 right by the old battlenet eh Faka? no locks there, just 3-4 cashiers at the same cash register, they runa serious business.
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 4:22 pm

HAHAHAHA XD Yeah I remember!
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 8:33 pm

So basicaly, if I have sex with women on a regular basis, I'm saving LIVES!

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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 8:35 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 03, 2010 9:05 am

lol read them all Razz gr8 stuff
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 03, 2010 1:40 pm

-=Raptor=-Jinzo wrote:
• The sun releases more energy in one second than all the energy consumed by humanity since its inception.

• The letter J, is the only letter that does not appear in the periodic table.

• The easiest way to differentiate a carnivorous animal is a herbivore eyes. Carnivores (dogs, lions) have them in front of his head, which helps them locate their food. Herbivores have them
on the sides of the same (birds, rabbits), which helps detect
approximation of a potential predator.

100 cups of coffee taken in a span of four hours and technically can cause death.

The average weight of an iceberg is 20 million tonnes.

In Disney's Fantasia, the sorcerer is called Yesnid. Or is Disney spelled backwards.

The sun is fueled through Fusion which gets up to tempatures as 50.000.000 degrees celsius, no element on earth can withstand it, thus making fusion reactors hard.
The letter Q doesnt appear either I think.
And what about the Crocodile?
A friends brother had to go to hospital after 20 cups, 100 is more than enough.
An Iceberg is 3x bigger underwater so yeah.
Yesnid? Thats not Disney backwards, Yensid is what you gotta have meant.
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 04, 2010 9:00 am

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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 07, 2010 3:32 pm

Pfff, I'll believe half this stuff when mosquitoes have teeth!

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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 07, 2010 4:22 pm

The albatross can sleep while flying.

i know that when im asleep i dream that im flying but they dream that they are walking ^-^
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 4:14 pm

How about this for a curiosity :

The sentence on the right is false. -------------------------------------------------------------- The sentence on the left is true.
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 5:09 pm

OH WTF!!?!!??
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PostSubject: Re: Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!!   Curiosities (You must see this) MOOOORE Curiosities!!! I_icon_minitime

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