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 My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches

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PostSubject: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2009 5:30 pm

Ok I may send this as an email to rebellion, my ideas for the game. If it is too late to implement some of these things, it could probably go in as patches/DLC/expansion pack, ect. Tell me what you guys think of these ideas.

Game Mechanics:

-No pouncing stealth kills for both species. Even though both species are capable, It will be better for game play's sake to take out the pounce. It will reduce the amount of stealth kills performed. Keep the leap in trophy/execution kills, however.

-Knife/pistol combination could be performed. Rookie marine could hold the knife like how snake in metal gear solid 3 held his. The melee for pistol will be a pistol whip and knife slice combo. The block will be an (x-block) by the knife and pistol. The double hit will make the pistol a more valuable weapon and it could perform stealth kills (more on that later).

For steatlh kill animations, i think it's very important on the victim's camera. I think they should either see who did it, or what was done to them. possibly both.

-Alien stealth kill animation ideas.

Grab marine with left hand, put right hand through the marine. (marine looks down and sees the alien's arm)

Grab marine with left hand, put tail through head. (marine camera: tail appears in the top middle of the screen)

Grab marine with left hand, right hand on shoulder, headbite.

-Alien Execution Kills

knock marine to floor and tail to stomach, knock marine to floor and headbite.

Rip mask off of predator with an uppercut motion. headbite.

grab marine and put tail through chin.

Slice the head off. (marine's camera goes off to the side rapidly, possibly looking at his own headless body when his head lands.)

-Predator stealth kills

Grab marine with left hand, put right hand on head and break his neck. Head moves 180 degrees. The marine's camera is looking at his killer.

Grab marine with left hand, perform the spine breaker.

Grab marine with left hand, right hand goes on head and predator squeezes it until you hear a crunch or he just completely crushes the skull. (marine camera, u see the predator fingers going along your eyes, the camera starts to shake quickly but with little movement, than pop)

Grab marine with left hand, put blades in lower back, and do spine rip. A spine rip must be performed in a stealth kills as well bc its the most accessible area for the rip. if this somehow interferes with the trophy kill idea, only the spine can be ripped, the predator would grab the spine and sporadically do a quck rip outward, that would break the cartilage.

Grab alien's tail, step on aliens back, stab head. (grab tail with right hand, step on back with left foot, stab with left wristblade)

Grab alien's tail step on aliens back and stab the back.

Grab aliens tail, grab aliens head, neck break.

Predator Trophy Kill:

I understand that this is meant to take the head/spine of the human, however I MUST have a trophy kill where you just stab them in the stomach like how the predator killed Dillon in the original predator film.

Predator could squeeze the human's neck when he grabs it. (you hear human gasping for air) and puts his right hand on human's left shoulder (pressind downard) and lifts up with his left hand around human's neck and you get the spine.

Human Execution kill:

Can only be done between human and human. If two guys are close together and one is low on health, an execution can be performed. Button is pressed, marine does a sprint (like the pounce/leap of predator and alien) and gives the victim a rifle butt, victim is knocked to the ground, marine steps on the right arm of the marine with left leg so he wont get shot. and than steps on marine's face with right foot, curbstomp. (victim's camera: (VERY IMPORTANT) - gets hit with rifle butt and is looking up at enemy, camera immediately goes to the right when the right arm (with his gun in viiew) gets stomped on, than when he looks at the marine he is looking up at the boot as it comes down on his face.) That is the most brutal move the marine can do.

Stealth kills:

only marines can do this on marines, it can happen (one marine is in a fire fight, another marine sprints to that marine and stealth kills, or you can stealth kill a camper). Stealth killing is a good way for trash talking to happen. pistol/knife combination must be equipped. Stealth kill initiates as follows: if you don't want the pistol dropped, the marine could use his sleeping hold around marines neck (pistol is still equipped but marine is squeezing the guys head). stealth kill position follows as: Stab to kidney area, stab in lower back area, stab through skull. Gun pointed to temple could result in: stab in back and shot to temple. Knife slices neck. temple is shot. If pistol gets holstered. right hand goes on marines forehead and pulls back, revealing throat, throate is sliced. right hand covers marines mouth, stab to any back area, or stab through the back of the neck.

This pistol/knife combination is designed to have the two weakest elements of any FPS and actually make them useful. A lot of this will be prevalent, mainly in Human vs Human matches. In species matches, it will be a rarity which people would get competitive because he just got destroyed by the other marine.

TAKE OUT the choke slam the human can do on an alien, that is so weird and wrong. if you want the marine to have an execution that works. Use my idea, its way better. If you want it to be on an alien have the marine sprint towards the alien, do a rifle butt. alien falls or moves back, and either shoot him from there, or if the alien is on teh ground, step on his arm and shoot his face. ( the marine must be yelling when this happens, while shooting the alien's face. AHHHH YOU BASTARDSS!!! something like that)
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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2009 6:00 pm

Great ideas! I definitely think you should send these to Rebellion.

Also, another thing I think they should take out is when the predator goes in for the trophy kill and pulls the head and spine out from the stomach. It looks a little too fake and unnatural to me. But that's just my opinion. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2009 10:07 pm

BubbRubb wrote:
Great ideas! I definitely think you should send these to Rebellion.

Also, another thing I think they should take out is when the predator goes in for the trophy kill and pulls the head and spine out from the stomach. It looks a little too fake and unnatural to me. But that's just my opinion. Very Happy
We already have aliens with cloaking devices and aliens that have sex with your face to produce their own offspring. Not like anything can get any less realistic. >.>
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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2009 11:21 pm

Estatica wrote:
BubbRubb wrote:
Great ideas! I definitely think you should send these to Rebellion.

Also, another thing I think they should take out is when the predator goes in for the trophy kill and pulls the head and spine out from the stomach. It looks a little too fake and unnatural to me. But that's just my opinion. Very Happy
We already have aliens with cloaking devices and aliens that have sex with your face to produce their own offspring. Not like anything can get any less realistic. >.>

not in a sense or realism, but more in the sense of "WTF?!! did that just happen?"
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#1 Spammer
#1 Spammer

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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2009 11:42 pm

i lke the alien kills.Very Happy
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-=SoD Brendan=-

-=SoD Brendan=-

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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2009 6:18 pm

you really should send them
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Genesis R

Genesis R

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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2009 6:53 pm

Estatica wrote:
We already have aliens with cloaking devices
This is unrealistic?
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#1 Spammer
#1 Spammer

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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2009 8:46 pm

the aliens with cloak?that would sound like a Mecha-PreAlien.lol
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PostSubject: Re: My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches   My ideas for future DLC/expansion pack/patches I_icon_minitime

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