Heard a wild rumor that there's not gonna be crouching in AVP3.
In this thread we discuss whether or not the ability to crouch is necessary in:
1. FPS-games in common
2. AVP3
For me it feels as bad as if they'd take away the abilities to jump and/or strafe. I don't know any other new FPS-game on pc that wouldn't have the ability to crouch.
Okay why AVP3 should have crouch:
- You can dodge aliens/bullets/spears/etc better if you can crouch.
- You can hide better behind stuff.
- In most new FPS-games you can aim better while crouching. That's why people are used to crouch when shooting far away. Now they can't do this, but instead hit ctrl only to accidentally launch some self destruction bomb that'll blow them back to CS.
Why AVP3 should not have crouch:
- You can't crouch/stagg so who would ever crouch anyway? Just kidding, I really don't know what were they thinking while deciding to leave such a feature away from the game.
EDIT: ..or maybe they just never learned to make a crouch without screwing the hitboxes up.